CFM Blog Category: Health & Diet

How To Maintain Your Personal Health?
How To Maintain Your Personal Health?

Annual Exams
During your annual exam, you, and your practitioner, can review your daily health habits, discuss concerns, update your immunizations, and develop a treatment plan to …

Epidural Injections for Back Pain
Epidural Injections for Back Pain

If you struggle from back pain, you have likely wondered about pain management solutions and have wanted to know more about epidural injections. This refers …

Staying Safe While Enjoying Your Summer: How To Prevent Heat Stroke
Staying Safe While Enjoying Your Summer: How To Prevent Heat Stroke

Summer is in full swing, which means rising temps and heat waves are sweeping the nation. Although you may think you know your limits, heat …

Three Options for Staying Hydrated in the Heat
Three Options for Staying Hydrated in the Heat

As the weather gets warmer, staying hydrated should be a top priority. While water is the preferred method for staying hydrated in the heat for …

Sports Drinks: Are They Good for You?
Sports Drinks: Are They Good for You?

Due to the millions of dollars spent on advertising each year, the general population often has the misconception that sport drinks are healthy. Because of …

Hydration Hints for the Heat of Summer
Hydration Hints for the Heat of Summer

Water makes up more than 60% of the average adult’s body weight. Most of this is in the cells, blood and around organs. Staying hydrated …