CFM Blog Category: Health & Diet
Good nutrition goes back to the 18th century.
The first scientific research into the basics of nutrition was the controlled experiment by British ship’s surgeon, James …
Annual Exams
During your annual exam, you, and your practitioner, can review your daily health habits, discuss concerns, update your immunizations, and develop a treatment plan to …
If you struggle from back pain, you have likely wondered about pain management solutions and have wanted to know more about epidural injections. This refers …
Summer is in full swing, which means rising temps and heat waves are sweeping the nation. Although you may think you know your limits, heat …
As the weather gets warmer, staying hydrated should be a top priority. While water is the preferred method for staying hydrated in the heat for …
Due to the millions of dollars spent on advertising each year, the general population often has the misconception that sport drinks are healthy. Because of …