Flu Shots

Center for Family Medicine | Schedule Your Annual Flu Shots

Flu season changes year-to-year and affects different people in different ways. We’re here to help you deal with those changes on an annual basis. Influenza doesn’t care if you usually catch it or not – an annual vaccine is the best way to improve your chances of preventing the flu.

Who is at the highest risk of flu?
Among the highest-risk patients are:

  • Children six months to 19 years
  • Adults 50 years or older
  • Pregnant women
  • Residents of nursing homes and long-term-care facilities
  • Those with long-term health problems
  • Healthcare workers with patient contact
  • Caregivers of those six months old or younger


How quickly do flu shots work?
It can take up to two weeks after receiving the shot for the antibodies to fully take effect and prevent against viral infection. We suggest you get your shot early in the fall so you’re prepared once flu season starts in full swing.

Once I get the shot, can I still get the flu?
Yes, you aren’t 100 percent protected. Not all strains of the virus can be covered in one shot, so it’s best to continue to take good hygienic precautions to stay generally healthy throughout flu season. And even if you do get the flu, if you’ve received a flu shot, your symptoms are often less intense and more bearable.

Fast Facts:

  • Antibodies in the vaccine protect against viral infection
  • Seasonal vaccines predict the most common influenza viruses in a given year
  • Traditional vaccines protect against H1N1, influenza A and influenza B

To learn more about the Center for Family Medicine call us at 605-339-1783, or click here to schedule an appointment.