CFM Blog Category: Health & Diet

How to Make and Stick to A Meal Plan
How to Make and Stick to A Meal Plan

As many first-timers embark on the journey to eating healthy, a meal plan, working out, and overall health and fitness; they face a lot of …

Staying Active in Winter Months
Staying Active in Winter Months

Getting through the colder winter months can be a struggle. Because of low temperatures or bad weather, you may find yourself stuck inside the house, …

5 Foods You Should Add To Your Diet
5 Foods You Should Add To Your Diet

We all know that if we want to be healthy, we have to eat our fruits and vegetables, but there are other foods that are …

What Makes Good Nutrition
What Makes Good Nutrition

Good nutrition goes back to the 18th century.
The first scientific research into the basics of nutrition was the controlled experiment by British ship’s surgeon, James …

How To Maintain Your Personal Health?
How To Maintain Your Personal Health?

Annual Exams
During your annual exam, you, and your practitioner, can review your daily health habits, discuss concerns, update your immunizations, and develop a treatment plan to …

Epidural Injections for Back Pain
Epidural Injections for Back Pain

If you struggle from back pain, you have likely wondered about pain management solutions and have wanted to know more about epidural injections. This refers …