CFM Blog

How to Treat – and Avoid – a Sunburn
How to Treat – and Avoid – a Sunburn

With summertime around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about how to treat a sunburn. Although you can get sunburned year-round, you’re likely spending …

Welcome New Residents!
Welcome New Residents!

Center for Family Medicine is excited to announce the newest class of resident doctors joining us this month! This team of 11 will be seeing …

Ask Anything | On Call with the Prairie Doc | Featuring Dr. Arna Mora
Ask Anything | On Call with the Prairie Doc | Featuring Dr. Arna Mora

Prairie Doc® host Dr. Jill Kruse, with guests Dr. Samantha Darnall-Werlinger from Sanford Health Watertown Clinic, Watertown, SD and Dr. Arna Mora From Sioux Falls Family …

National Women’s Health Week: What to Know
National Women’s Health Week: What to Know

National Women’s Health Week is May 12th through the 18th. Women’s health is something to be focused on, especially as women often neglect their own …

The Importance of an Annual Physical
The Importance of an Annual Physical

Everyone should get an annual physical. There are many benefits to having a regular check-in with your doctor, for both your physical and mental health. …

Our Team is Growing: Residency Match Day 2024
Our Team is Growing: Residency Match Day 2024

Medical school students experience something exciting on Residency Match Day, which takes place on Friday, March 15th. On this important day, medical students find out …