CFM Blog Category: Senior Care

Welcome New Residents!
Welcome New Residents!

Center for Family Medicine is excited to announce the newest class of resident doctors joining us this month! This team of 11 will be seeing …

Why Seniors Should Check Their Immunization Status
Why Seniors Should Check Their Immunization Status

With August designated as National Immunization Awareness Month, it’s a good time to check that you are up to date on all your vaccines.
Immunization, also …

Five Winter Mobility Tips for Seniors
Five Winter Mobility Tips for Seniors

Ensure Senior Mobility in the Wintertime
Wintertime, although cold and often windy, still holds vast opportunity for outdoor activities. People of all ages find enjoyment outside …

4 Ways to Improve Senior Male Health
4 Ways to Improve Senior Male Health

As males age, their bodies undergo changes, which impact male health. Your metabolism slows down, your bones can become brittle and weak, and you may …

Exercises That Help Seniors Improve Their Balance
Exercises That Help Seniors Improve Their Balance

Having good balance is critical to controlling and maintaining your body’s position and staying independent. For example, good balance makes it easier to get up …

Celebrate National Healthy Aging Month This September
Celebrate National Healthy Aging Month This September

As we age, our bodies and minds undoubtedly go through changes. Some people might view these changes as negative or upsetting, but that doesn’t have …