CFM Blog Category: Care for Children

How to Treat – and Avoid – a Sunburn
How to Treat – and Avoid – a Sunburn

With summertime around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about how to treat a sunburn. Although you can get sunburned year-round, you’re likely spending …

Welcome New Residents!
Welcome New Residents!

Center for Family Medicine is excited to announce the newest class of resident doctors joining us this month! This team of 11 will be seeing …

Celebrate Family Health and Fitness Day on June 10th
Celebrate Family Health and Fitness Day on June 10th

Family Health and Fitness Day is the second Saturday in June. This day brings our families together for fun, health and happiness. Encouraging healthy behaviors …

Depression & Anxiety in Children and Teens: Understanding the Signs
Depression & Anxiety in Children and Teens: Understanding the Signs

While May leads us into springtime, it also leads us into Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health is as important as physical health, and that …

How to Handle the Flu Striking Your Household
How to Handle the Flu Striking Your Household

Be Prepared: How to Handle the Flu Striking Your Household
It’s flu season and even if you, and your family members, have received your flu shots, …

October is SIDS Awareness Month
October is SIDS Awareness Month

October is SIDS Awareness Month. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a condition that causes the death of many infants. At Center for Family Medicine, …