CFM Blog Category: Care for Children

Most parents think their home is a sanctuary. Yet hidden dangers lurk in everyday products, from cleaning supplies to medications. Each year, over 2 million …

Between learning, playing and growing, children have busy schedules! As parents, you always have to make time for the important things like spending quality time …

With back to school around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about how you can keep your child, and your whole family, healthy as …

With summertime around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about how to treat a sunburn. Although you can get sunburned year-round, you’re likely spending …

Center for Family Medicine is excited to announce the newest class of resident doctors joining us this month! This team of 11 will be seeing …

Family Health and Fitness Day is the second Saturday in June. This day brings our families together for fun, health and happiness. Encouraging healthy behaviors …