Our Team is Growing: Residency Match Day 2024

Medical school students experience something exciting on Residency Match Day, which takes place on Friday, March 15th. On this important day, medical students find out where they will be completing their upcoming residency.
This day can be compared to the prestigious ‘Ivy Day’ for high schoolers (when seniors learn if they were accepted to the Ivy League schools) or ‘Bid Day’ for college students (when college-aged students learn if they got into their top-choice sorority). To increase your familiarity, let’s talk more about Match Day in particular and why it is important to us at the Center for Family Medicine.
Who Participates in Residency Match Day?
Medical students who are in their fourth—and last—year of medical school will participate in this year’s Residency Match Day. These students have reached the end of their rigorous coursework and are ready to integrate into the working world for real-life experience. Through CFM, there is the Sioux Falls residency program and the Pierre residency program. Both programs help train and prepare family physicians to practice in South Dakota’s rural communities and the upper Midwest.
How Does Residency Match Day Work?
There is a specific curriculum throughout the three years of residency that medical students must complete after their regular coursework. Residency Match Day is crucial because it realizes what months and years of work have amounted to, and determines the next step in these doctors-to-be lives. Along with applications and interviews, students have the option to lock in their top choice(s) when applying, to better their chance of being placed at their ideal residency. Residency programs will also name their top applicants, and, through an algorithmic process, students will be matched to the residency program that’s right for them.
Why Does Residency Match Day Matter to the Health Care World?
It might seem like Residency Match Day is something that only fourth-year medical students would be excited about, especially if the day dictates where they will begin their careers. However, the day is also important to the healthcare world—and to us at the Center for Family Medicine— because new doctors will join the medical community on Match Day.
On March 15th, 2024, we will learn which incredible new doctors are going to be serving you. The Center for Family Medicine team will be growing very soon, and we’re excited for you to get to know our new additions. Stay tuned, our physicians page will be updated soon. Until then, stay on top of your health and contact us to schedule an appointment.