How to Handle the Flu Striking Your Household

Be Prepared: How to Handle the Flu Striking Your Household
It’s flu season and even if you, and your family members, have received your flu shots, different variants of the virus can still cause you to get the flu. When the flu strikes your household it can be overwhelming trying to take care of everyone at once. Here are some tips for how to handle Mom, Dad and all the kids getting the flu at once.
Preparing For The Flu
The best way to prepare for the flu is to get a flu shot. Although the flu shot doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get the flu, it can help reduce the severity of your symptoms and protect those around you. It’s important to make sure everyone in your family gets a flu shot, especially if someone in your household is at a higher risk of complications from the flu, such as pregnant women, young children and those with pre-existing medical conditions.
In addition to getting a flu shot, it’s also important to stock your home with supplies like tissues, hand sanitizer and other flu-fighting items. Make sure you have plenty of food and water on hand as well, as it can be difficult to get out and shop when everyone in your family is sick.
Caring For Multiple Sick Family Members
When multiple family members are sick, it’s important to create a schedule for who is taking care of whom. This will help you make sure everyone is getting the attention and care they need. Here are some tips for how to handle Mom, Dad and all the kids getting the flu at once:
- Stock your home with supplies: Make sure you have plenty of food, water, tissues and hand sanitizer on hand before the flu has a chance to hit your household.
- Create a schedule: Make sure everyone is getting the attention and care they need. If both parents are sick, take turns taking care of each other and the kids so one person doesn’t have to expel all their energy. Have a plan in place for when the kids need to take breaks from each other.
- Stay hydrated: Make sure everyone is drinking plenty of water. Avoid sugary drinks like juice and pop which can dehydrate more quickly. You should also avoid caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks as they can upset your stomach. Using a humidifier will add moisture to your home and help alleviate congestion and coughing.
- Make sure to rest: Sleep is even more important when sick. A kid may find being sick a great opportunity to binge watch tv all day, but it’s important to take naps and get a full night’s rest. Proper sleep can be the difference between being sick for a couple days or a couple weeks.
If you feel like you’re in over your head, it’s important to reach out for help. When to contact a doctor depends on the severity of the flu symptoms. In general, if someone is experiencing difficulty breathing, a fever that won’t go away, a severe headache, or any other severe symptoms, it’s important to contact a doctor.
The Center for Family Medicine is here to help. We offer resources for all illnesses and preventative care for the whole family. Schedule an appointment today to meet with one of our friendly doctors.